Yipei Wang

Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Engineering

About Me

I am currently a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University, advised by Dr. Xiaoqian Wang. Before coming to Purdue, I acquired an M.A. in Mathematics at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to that, I obtained my B.S. in Computational Mathematics at Nanjing University.

My research focuses on building trustworthy machine learning systems. I work on developing reliable ML models, with an emphasis on rigorous evaluations of Explainable AI methods and their real-world applications. Recently, I have also been investigating robustness issues arising from natural distribution shifts, such as spurious correlations, and their relationship to adversarial robustness. Beyond these areas, I maintain broad interests in tackling challenges across various domains of machine learning.





Email: wang4865@purdue.edu

LinkedIn: My Profile